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Our Posts

Apple hair

Apple hair

EN – If you use baking soda as shampoo, then it is good to use apple cider vinegar as a conditioner. Apple cider vinegar? Yes!! It improves the health of your scalp, it strengthens your hair and it gives shine. The smell is not incredible […]

Create your own shampoo!

Create your own shampoo!

EN – Create your own shampoo! Why? Because the shampoo you buy in the store, contains plenty chemicals which are unhealthy for us ánd the planet. Would mom or dad like this? Yes! It is super cheap and super easy. What do you need: Half […]

Bearded dragons

Bearded dragons

EN – Bearded dragons, or pogona, are reptiles living throughout Australia. Australia can become very hot at times, and when it gets too hot for the bearded dragon, they go underground. They are good climbers and their beard can turn black when stressed or upon […]

Save the world

Save the world

Made by Daphne van der Harst EN – A beautiful painting by Daphne, nine years old, who wants to show the world what is in her heart. One of the things is ‘Save the world’. And yes, we áre going to save the world with […]

Make a bee bath

Make a bee bath

EN – Bees are incredibly important for us. They carry the pollen around and with that, take care of all the fruits and vegetables we need. Without bees, apples, cherries, cucumbers, onions and many more would disappear. Einstein even said: “If the bee disappeared off […]

Kids tell the world – EN

Kids tell the world – EN

The voice of a child is the reason to change. We asked kids what they would want to tell the world during an event called ‘Bouwdorp’ in the Netherlands. What do you want to tell the world? Davinjo: Do not bully people! Georgino: Do not […]

Kids tell the world – NL

Kids tell the world – NL

De stem van een kind is de reden voor verandering. We hebben de kinderen, tijdens een event genaamd ‘Bouwdorp’ in Roermond, gevraagd wat zij aan de mensen op de wereld zouden willen vertellen. Wat wil jij tegen de wereld zeggen? Davinjo: Stop met pesten! Georgino: […]

Lessons to learn

Lessons to learn

EN – Lessons can be fun! If you can draw about what YOU think and show it to the world, teach people how to better this world and actually be a hero..thát is fun! This is drawn by Natalie and Houda, two of our own, […]



NL- Er zullen dingen zijn in het leven die je aandacht trekken, maar volg die dingen die je in je hart voelt.   Native American = Inheems (origineel) Amerikaans To pursue = Achternazitten Things = Dingen

Meeting Natalie – Video Editor

Meeting Natalie – Video Editor

EN – My name is Natalie and I am 10 years old. I want to better the world by making videos and inform the people. Creating videos is a lot of fun because you can give information in a creative manner. The information will be […]